Hickory Hill's Sheeza Q T Pie
( Jaimie Scott Co-Owned with us Left for NC on Oct 11th )
Sheeza ( now known as Holly Berry ) 12/17/03
To Be Co-Owned with
Debbie, Brittany and Chuck Hiley
in Longwood Florida
Hickryhil Hiley Outrageous
Pie's Last night at Hickory Hill 10/10/03
Pie at her new home !!!!!!
With her new family !!!!
The co-Owner that I sold Pie to has decided to become engaged. They will be taking up residence in her home once married. This home happens to be in a dog restricted neighborhood. This means that Pie and his three other dogs must go back to their breeders.........
She returned to Hickory Hill on December 5th
while we screened potential new homes for her
and she got to see lots of snow ( 3 feet ) before she went south again
On December the 17th she went to her new home in Longwood Florida
To Be Co-Owned with
Debbie,Brittany and Chuck Hiley ( updates soon )
Now know as "Holly Berry "
Hickryhil Hiley Outrageous